Spark Israeli Dreams,
Change Lives

Our mission is to empower Israeli entrepreneurs through interest-free loans. By connecting global lenders with local businesses, we spark economic growth and community resilience. Here’s how you can be a part of this transformative process:


Discover the Spark:

Browse through a variety of businesses and causes to find those that inspire you and align with your values. Your support can spark real change.


Invest in Change:

Lend $25 or more to the business of your choice. Your interest-free investment helps entrepreneurs achieve their dreams.


Reignite the Spark:

Reinvest your repayments into new businesses to amplify your impact or withdraw your funds. Keep the cycle of support going to spark ongoing change.
You can additionaly connect by following them on social media or plan a trip to Israel to meet them in person and buy their goods and services!


Witness the Impact & Stay connected

You’ll start receiving monthly repayments soon after you make your initial loan. SparkIL ensures a very high repayment rate, so you can trust your funds are being well managed.
You will receive updates via email to see how your loan is helping the businesses grow. 

May the
with you..


We extend our heartfelt support and prayers to Jon Polin, a founder of SparkIL, and his entire family, as their son Hersh was kidnapped and is held hostage byHamas in Gaza. We pray for a safe and swift return for him and all those held in Gaza.

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Dear Lenders and Partners,

We’re redirecting you to a secure system to complete your payment. 

Please note due to the global cyber issue, our website is also experiencing some login and registration difficulties from various regions worldwide.

We hope this issue will be resolved soon.

Thank you for your patience. If you are experiencing this as well, please don’t give up and come back to us.

Thanks ,
The SparkIL Team