Donate to SparkIL

Power the Platform That
Supports Israeli Businesses

By contributing to SparkIL, you help us provide more loans, mitigate lending risks, and cover operational costs—ensuring we can continue supporting small businesses in Israel.
If you’re looking to lend directly to a specific business,

Choose Your Impact

Making a tax-deductible donation is quick and easy. You can donate through the Jewish Agency, JGive, or other secure methods listed below.

If you would like your donation to fund loans for a specific community or sector, please specify this in your transfer details or

Donate via Check



c/o Ari Jaffe  
2330 Milton Rd.,

University Hts OH 44118

Donate via Bank Transfer


PNC Bank

Account name: SPARKIL

Checking Account Number: 4174945571

Routing Number: 041000124


To donate through credit card

Donate via Donor Advised Fund (DAF)

Please direct your donation to SparkIL’s parent organization, American Friends of Ogen Inc (EIN 13-3691494).

Please make sure when recommending the donation to your DAF, to add a comment mentioning Spark IL.

100% of funds donated to American Friends of Ogen will go to Spark IL.

Donate via JGive

  • Click the donate button below to access the donation page.
  • Select the amount
  • Add in the dedication/ comment – for SparkIL  to ensure the donation reaches us.
  • Your donation is tax-deductible in Israel, US, Canada and the UK.
    For any inquiries/ assistance or donations via the Jewish Agency, please email [email protected].

Thank you!
We appreciate your generous support!


We extend our heartfelt condolences to Jon Polin, a founder of SparkIL, and his family during this profoundly difficult time. We mourn with them the tragic loss of their son Hersh, who was cruelly murdered while being held hostage in Gaza by Hamas. Our thoughts are with the Polin family, and we continue to hope for the safe return of everyone still captive in Gaza.

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The SparkIL Team