It’s all about the Spark

23/11/2023 , e Jewish Philanthropy

Finding an accessible vehicle for Israel-Diaspora connection

“Israeli small businesses affected by the war now have access to SparkIL’s Emergency Loan Fund, which offers each business up to NIS 100,000 ($27,000) in much-needed assistance.”

21/03/2024 , Israel Hayom

Investing in the future of Israel

“I really fell in love with the concept of Jews helping each other in meaningful and specific ways because with SparkIL, you’re not just writing a check. You’re investing in someone’s dream.”

16/02/2024 , Bnnb Beaking

SparkIL: Israel's Pioneering Peer-to-Peer Lending Platform Empowering Small Businesses

Israel’s first peer-to-peer lending platform, SparkIL, offers a beacon of hope to struggling businesses. With zero-interest loans and a communal spirit, it enabled the Sherpers to continue their counseling services during the Gaza conflict.

16/02/2024 , Akron Jewish News

How SparkIL saved Meir and Rachel’s counseling business

In addition to managing a household for the past 16 years and their five children, Meir and Rachel Sherper

16/02/2024 ,Columbus Jewish News

How SparkIL saved Meir and Rachel’s counseling business

In addition to managing a household for the past 16 years and their five children, Meir and Rachel Sherper

16/02/2024 , Cleveland Jewish News

How SparkIL saved Meir and Rachel’s counseling business

In addition to managing a household for the past 16 years and their five children, Meir and Rachel Sherper

16/02/2024 , JNS

How SparkIL saved Meir and Rachel’s counseling business

The first peer-to-peer lending platform in Israel offers borrowers access to a loan of up to $27,300 for five years at zero interest.

11/02/2024 , Jerusalem Post

SparkIL announced the launch of a NIS 10 million Emergency Loan Fund that provides small businesses affected by the war

SparkIL and its Emergency Loan Fund also foster meaningful relationships between lenders

12/01/2024 , Maariv

SparkIL loans boost Israeli small businesses, provide avenue for rebuilding Israel after Oct. 7

The peer-to-peer lending platform’s Emergency Loan Fund is helping sustain businesses

12/06/2022 , nocamels

non-profit organization that enables Jews around the world to

launched a 10 million shekel (approx. $2.7 million) emergency

12/11/2023 ,

New $2.7M Emergency Loan Fund Launched for Israeli Small Businesses

For as little as $25, lenders in the U.S.

23/01/2024 , e Jewish Philanthropy

Finding an accessible vehicle for Israel-Diaspora connection

Small business owner who made aliyah from Ukraine

12/11/2023 , Israel Hayom

SparkIL launches NIS 10M emergency wartime loan fund for small Israeli businesses

Launch of a NIS 10 million ($2.7 million) emergency loan

12/05/2023 ,

SparkIL launches emergency loan fund as wartime lifeline for Israeli small businesses

Small businesses are experiencing a personnel shortage given

1/24/2023 , e Jewish Philanthropy

Embracing tech to spur economic justice and global Jewish connectivity

The impact of the relationships facilitated by SparkIL

12/05/2023 , e Jewish Philanthropy

SparkIL launches $2.7 million emergency fund for businesses affected by war

When war broke out on Oct. 7, Sahar Vissozki, who owns

12/05/2023 , e Jewish Philanthropy

Your Daily Phil: Interest-free loans for Israeli firms plagued by war

Na’ama Ore, CEO of SparkIL, ruminated on the launch of the new emergency

10/28/2022 , e Jewish Philanthropy

Maximizing the Impact of Giving

Latest op-ed from SparkIL’s CEO Na’ama Ore

12/15/2022 , Israel Hayom

Sports in the Haredi world: Not what you think

Hear from Gilat, a SparkIL borrower, about the impact she is creating on her community.

7/11/2022 , Israelhayom

New peer-to-peer lending initiative seeks to spark young support for Israel

SparkIL platform allows Diaspora Jews to invest in small businesses

10/14/2022 , The Jerusalem Post

SparkIL launches $2.7 million emergency fund for businesses affected by war

When war broke out on Oct. 7, Sahar Vissozki, who owns

12/05/2023 , e Jewish Philanthropy

SparkIL launches $2.7 million emergency fund for businesses affected by war

When war broke out on Oct. 7, Sahar Vissozki, who owns

12/05/2023 , e Jewish Philanthropy

SparkIL provides Israel's small business

SparkIL, established in partnership by The Jewish Agency for Israel and the Ogen

8/23/2022 , Ynet

The groundbreaking economic venture that will connect small businesses

“The goal is to reach an active market with tens of thousands of

6/20/2022 , eJewish Philanthropy

New platform seeks to connect microfunders directly with Israeli small businesses

SparkIL helps Israeli entrepreneurs navigate bureaucracy and connect

8/3/2022 , OneTable

Strengthening Your Conenctions at Shabbat Dinner

Read about creating connection with SparkIL and your Shabbat guests

6/27/2022 , The Jerusalem Post

Op-Ed from Amira Ahronoviz - CEO and Director General of The Jewish Agency for Israel and Board Chair for SparkIL

SparkIL is simultaneously a lifeline for Israel’s

12/5/2021 , the Jerusalem post

SparkIL aims to empower small businesses in the Israeli periphery

The platform, currently being established by the Jewish Agency and Ogen Group


We extend our heartfelt condolences to Jon Polin, a founder of SparkIL, and his family during this profoundly difficult time. We mourn with them the tragic loss of their son Hersh, who was cruelly murdered while being held hostage in Gaza by Hamas. Our thoughts are with the Polin family, and we continue to hope for the safe return of everyone still captive in Gaza.

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